Thursday, December 06, 2007


Today is the 4th death anniversary of my grandfather Reggie Candappa, but it feels like he was here with his sparkly smile just yesterday. I try not to think of the day he died, because that is not what its about though it is a day I believe I still haven't come to terms with. Maybe I never will and thats just how it is. But today is an important day because it reminds us all that he was the most amazing, fascinating and heartwarming person we'd have the pleasure of knowing.

Every time I hear a bellowing booming laugh, I think of him... or when I see a bald head. Or when I see a tree full of different coloured leaves, paintings, hear Mozart, see a homeless person (because he used to always give them money) and a trillion other things. My wonderful Seeya.

the time machine

holy moly. Today is last day of work for a month, and this is because Lee and I fly off to Sri Lanka on Saturday morning for our wedding! Whoooopppeeeee! Honestly I have no way to express how happy, excited, nervous and psyched I am.