Saturday, March 24, 2007

Punta Del Inca - ink stained mountains

I kid you not, this was one of the more spectacular scenic delights we were able to see in Argentina. The only downer was that we had little choice about being stuck on a small bus with 10 other tourists for most of the day. But in a way, it was so worth it. I will post the pictures because that is the only way anyone will be able to understand the awesomeness of this landscape. Basically, it is a point near the border of Chile (yes my attempts to enter without a visa worked again! ha ha).

The mountain range consists of The Andes and a range called the cordillero, which means the pre-Andes, very old mountains range that sort of sits infront of them. These are teeming with colour, faint tinges of ultra violet, cian, turquoise, terra cotta, pink, brown, orange, aubergine, grey, ochra, straw and olive green just to name a few! It was like a festival of my favourite colours.

Oddly enough the river that ran alongside it, looked like it was flowing with chocolate milk and this was no Willie Wonka fantasy. We couldn´t have asked for better weather - sun shining, blue skies and light breeze. After we drove past these coloured mountains, we arrived at Punta del Inca which is a point where minerals from the mountains had been swept down through cracks on to boulders by way of trickling waters - forming the most intense burst of yellows, oranges, and brown stains (almost) on the rocks itself, so fascinating. Also teamed with some fluttering luminous green parrots, it was quite the sight.

Following that, we drove up to the border of Chile and Argentina which was 4200 metres up in a mountain - the drive gave me the real heebies because it was windy and narrow... yeesh. Once we got up there though, you could tell we were at that altitude because you felt a little lightheaded and wobbly initially. Didn´t stop Lee from running up to the highest point to take pictures! There was a huge statue of Christ right between the flag posts, meant to signify the peace between the 2 countries... if only Sri Lanka would take note.

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