Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Barreal and land sailing!

The journey was long and there is only one bus a day that goes to this sleepy town, but oh wow it was worth every sleepless moment. Barreal is off the map - a town that is what you would imagine a quaint little South American town to be, dusty wide roads, willow trees draping the sides, horses and ranches, stunning landscapes, colourful little buildings and everyone on bicycles. We stayed in a beautiful little cabaƱa which had a kitchenette and our very own private back garden that spread out into a valley and then mutli coloured mountains! Just round the back was a rushing aqua green river, and the owner even had the funniest Alsatien dog that befriended us.

Two things made this trip even more amazing - at night, it is a star gazers absolute dream - I have never in all my life seen this many stars, more than even in Trincomalee, and you can easily see the milky way. Plus Lee and I must have spotted 4 shooting stars whie we sat under a blanket with a jug of delicious wine and watched for a few hours. I promise you it wasnt the wine that was making the stars fly.

The second thing, was the really cool extreme thing we did - its called Carrovelismo. In English, it is pretty much land sailing/yachting! It is all to do with the weather, and is so much fun. You get to go upto 80km per hour and it is so fast when its just you, the gadget and the dude who drives it - by the way this dude was such a gnarly old chap. He took us to these flat salt lakes, which basically used to be a vast lake but due to drought and sediments, it just dried up. Really cool. Check out the pictures here for our Barreal adventure!

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