Monday, January 14, 2008

Two Happy Bazalgette's

And so, just like that, its all done! One absolutely fabulous month of festivities and I am now a married woman - an incredibly happy and blessed one at that. Lee is a wonderful husband and we are so excited... Still not used to being a Mrs, especially the part about changing my name - I am keeping my maiden name as a middle name... I am officially a Bazalgette!

The wedding was beautiful, we couldn't have asked for better weather - no blustery winds, the tide had gone out, the sunset was stunning and the atmosphere was lush. It was an incredibly emotional feeling seeing all your friends and family seated with tears in their eyes, watching our ceremony... I still can't believe we got all 35 of our friends from the UK down. Lee and I will never forget it.

My parents worked so so so so so hard on our wedding, it is definitely impossible to put down into words how much they did, and I am so blown away by their love and generosity and enthusiasm. Everytime I tried to say lets just leave that detail aside, they refused and got it done somehow.

We had the ceremony at 5pm right on Ahungalla beach, and then all our guests were ushered into another part of the land where they cocktailed it while we had our pictures taken by the most fantabulous Mere. She is such a star - what an incredibly talented photographer and how lucky we were to have her there.

The wedding party, with food, drinks and champagne flowing - went wonderfully. The speeches were great (Dias, Dad, Tom and Tash) and Lee's speech was so perfect too. It was so amazing to see all my Sri Lankan friends from childhood and now, make it all the way there for our special day too - it made us feel so lucky.

One thing though, there was something very important that happened that I was not aware of until after I had made my speech which is unfortunate as I would have made sure all the others knew. I noticed that the marquee was a bit warm even though it was open on all sides and faced the sea, and that there were no fans even though our loopy marquee lady knew we needed them. When I asked my cousin, I found out that it was my family - my many wonderful cousins and uncles and in-laws who worked all day long building the dancefloor and wiring the marquee and built our ceremony platform and everything. To make it all happen. I couldn't believe what they had done for us. It made all the little details even more special.

Hurray for family.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hip hip horray!!!! Congratulations. The perfect couple :)