I have once again, lapsed in writing. I think these past few months have been a lot to take in, and I felt like I didn't want to write for the time being. The emotion of having the war end, was overwhelming, but also what had been done - the immense damage - was just a lot to grasp. I didn't feel like celebrating, I felt unsure, worried, elated and extremely concerned. Oddly, many of my friends, acquaintances and family felt the same - there was no way we were going to celebrate how this war had killed so many ruthlessly. But I did feel a semblance of happiness for the future - and that is when I realised that my blog had become mainly about war and death and destruction and pain and suffering. And I want that to change.
Though this is still the feeling of so many in my country, I believe it is time to help them pick up the pieces and move forward. Together - and now that the LTTE has been put to rest, we can all work towards a common goal of rebuilding our tiny island and making it what it was destined to be: a unified multi-ethnic harmonious country.